Weekends Are For Kids

Ever wonder what goes on upstairs after you put the kids to bed? I have. But we got a taste this week.

The thing is we live in an old house. Our bedroom is on the lower level; the kids sleep upstairs. But their rooms are directly over ours, so we can hear the pitter patter of little feet. And we often do. Usually we just let it go. Sometimes they’ll wake up early and go into each other’s rooms to wait until 7:00, the magic time when the morning officially begins at our house. But this week, something interesting happened.

It was about 6:45 when we heard the first steps upstairs. We figured it was Joshua, since on occasion when he wants to be very impressive, he’ll get up, kind of make his bed, and get dressed for the day. But about 20 minutes later, Andi is standing on the steps yelling, “I’m cold! I want a dress!” Without looking up the stairs, we yelled back, “It’s not 7:00. We’ll help you at 7. Go and get under your covers if you’re cold.”

So the minutes tick away.

Promptly at 7, Joshua comes bounding down the stairs to reveal what we suspected, that he had indeed dressed himself. After a few seconds, Andi followed him.


Stark naked.

No wonder she was cold. I guess she can’t reach her clothes to be like her big brother quite yet.

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