The Wisdom of God and Sea World (Part 2)

After a night in the ER and half a day in the hospital, I had a chance to cool off. And I knew that I had some things to be sorry for. Most specifically, I felt as though my attitude had called the wisdom of God into question.

Isn’t that what we do when we complain? We assume that we have a better idea of how the world should be run. That we are wiser than the Lord. That our plans are better than His.

Where would we be if we ran the world?

So the best way I knew how, I prayed with Jana and repented of my arrogance and anger and tried as best I could to express our choice to try and trust the wisdom of God.

It’s certainly not the first time that’s happened. But most often, we just move forward in faith, trusting that there is some purpose and reason behind those circumstances. We put one foot in front of the other and never see what that purpose is – we just trust that it’s there. That something meaningful is happening behind the scenes. It’s rare you get a glimpse inside.

Meanwhile, the doctors told us that we were likely to be released soon and be able to go back to our vacation. It was great news, and we attributed it to all the people praying for us back home. And then God cracked the door.

We were sitting in the playroom at the hospital and we struck up a conversation with a great family. They’re from the Detriot area, have 4 kids, and were at the beach on their family vacation. Their youngest son started acting strangely, and they found themselves at the Orlando Children’s Hospital in the middle of their vacation too.

That’s when their two year old was diagnosed with leukemia.

On their vacation.

With three siblings still at the beach, unaware of what was truly afflicting their younger brother.

Can you imagine? Strange city, strange people, strange disease – and yet here we were, randomly, in the same room.

They were able to ask questions and get honest answers about the treatment and most importantly, see Joshua, a kid also diagnosed when he was 2, bouncing around with a full head of hair, acting like any normal kid.

It was as if God had flipped the switch on Joshua’s counts and divinely appointed this moment.

And then we were released, able to go and do everything we wanted to on the trip, after 36 hours in the hospital.

It was incredibly humbling, and another reminder that we are loved by a busy God. He’s a God constantly working and moving in ways we cannot understand and fathom, working for the good of all who love Him. He does right.He does what is best.

By the way, when we got home, Joshua went to the clinic at Vanderbilt. His counts had returned within the span of a few days to being normal.

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  • Renee Garcia says:

    WOW that gave me chills! I’m praying for the other family you met.

  • Amy Wright says:

    Oh my. God is so incredible. I’m just shaking my head in awe of the way he moves and works.

  • Jim Johnston says:

    Just when I think this terrible, amazing gauntlet you guys are running can’t surprise me any more, God serves up another.
    The only thing I know for certain is that He is running alongside all of you — in the worst and most wonderful moments.

  • Michael K. says:

    What it’s done for us, Jim, us continue to remind us of God’s providence and presence. Glad it did for you as well.

  • Megs says:

    i never cease to be amazed by our God. And for that, i am incredibly and eternally thankful.

  • Becky Dietz says:

    Doesn’t it awe you that God chose to use YOU–scheduled you and your family–in this families’ lives? Amazing.

  • Krissy Brantley says:

    Hello Michael,
    I am moved by your struggles and strength!! Your family has such an amazing faith despite your hardships that inspires me. God’s plan is amazing and it’s so wonderful to see it in progress like this! He definitely has a plan for you and your family!!

  • Michael K. says:

    Yeah, I think any time something like that happens it’s really humbling, especially since we didn’t even think about the possible wisdom behind it to begin with.

  • Michael K. says:

    Thanks for your kind words, Krissy.

    Krissy… like, “Krissy who is married to the guy I almost burned down the town with?”

  • Pat Hickman says:

    Michael – your dad sent this post to David, Jim and I (the old prayer group that has been more off lately, than on). Wow – what a testimony and what truth on your part.

    Providence – what a blessing that we do, on occasion, get to see His plan and design.

    It is so fun to be 57 years old and still be amazed by His grace, mercy and love. Thanks for sharing. Again, Wow.

  • Michael-
    I’ve been following your family’s story through yours and Jana’s blogs – I admire your strength and courage in the face of Joshua’s illness. With three little ones of my own, I can only imagine how hard it is to deal with such a situation. It is encouraging to read about your faith. Brian (Breezy) and I moved to Brownfield almost a year ago, and have been blessed to find a wonderful church here. Through a few struggles of our own, we have been able to see God’s grace and blessings, and have become more faithful followers. I definitely look to you, Jana, and your beautiful family as an example to follow.
    You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers and I enjoy reading about Joshua’s progress. He is an amazing little boy – my oldest will be 5 in June and has the same beautiful blond hair that Joshua has. Miss Andi is a doll, too. Our youngest, Madilynn, is 19 months. I’m sure they share the fact that they have their Daddies wrapped around their little fingers! We have another boy, Blake, in-between – 3 years old.
    Thank you for sharing your faith and your family. It is inspiring.

  • Matthew says:

    I’d be lying if I said I follow your story on a consistent basis, but when you come to mind, or I hear mention of your name, I am encouraged by your faith and the evidence of God’s work in your lives. I’m glad I found my way to your blog. I’m praying for Joshua.

  • Krissy Brantley says:

    Yes, that Krissy 🙂

  • Anthony says:

    man thanks for taking us behind the door too. May God bless you, keep you and cause His face to shine on you.

  • Michael K. says:

    Thanks, Matt, for reading (and also for not lying). Hope to see you guys back in TX soon…

  • Tara Barthel says:

    SO grateful for this post!
    – For God’s grace in softening your heart.
    – For your ability to get back to your vacation AND the good counts when you got home.
    – AND for the amazing, amazing testimony to God’s sovereignty!
    Thanks for the update.

  • Lynn Marie Kramp says:

    Thank you for sharing so honestly. For what it’s worth, I’m glorifying God right this moment, praising Him for His mercy and grace; for the way He has revealed a little of His heart through Joshua. Won’t it be amazing when you can really know in eternity all the lives Joshua touches?

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