Wednesdays are for Chemotherapy

At least they are in our house. Usually I reserve the weekends for a “Weekends Are For Kids” post, but I thought since today is a big appointment day I might give you a glimpse into Joshua’s treatment cycle in case you’re interested.

Just to refresh your memory, Joshua (then 2 years old) was diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia).

Eventually, we settled into this basic routine:

– Joshua takes chemo pills every day.

– Every Wednesday, he takes 7.

– Every 4 weeks he has intravenous chemo sent directly into his blood stream through a port in his chest.

– Every 12 weeks, in addition to the above, he has a spinal tap to put the chemo into his spinal column.

Today is week 12, so we’ve got it all happening this morning. This is the 844 day Joshua has taken a chemo pill. It’s his 30th time to have the medicine go into his chest. It’s his 10th spinal tap. And he keeps on smiling.

For this, I am thankful and so very proud of my boy. In just a few minutes, he’ll jump out of bed excited to go to the hospital. He’ll bravely take his medicine with the promise of an ICEE when he comes out of his anisthesia. And he’ll try hard for the next 6 days to feel good.

We continue to feel blessed for Joshua’s progress, so thankful that God has sustained us and him thusfar, and continue to take one step at a time in fear and trembling. Thanks for going there with us.


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