Walking Worthy and the NFL Draft
Ephesians 4:1 bothers me: “Therefore, as a prisoner of the Lord, I urge to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received. . .” Here’s not why…
Read MoreEphesians 4:1 bothers me: “Therefore, as a prisoner of the Lord, I urge to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received. . .” Here’s not why…
Read MoreWe have a home warranty. If you haven’t got one, search online for “home warranty florida” or wherever it is that you live to find the best warranties available to…
Read MoreThe story of Gideon reads like a roller-coaster. First, he’s afraid of everything, hiding in a winepress. Then he gets a call from God to lead Israel’s army, but he…
Read MoreFrom Mark Batterson: “He risked his life for the work of Christ.” What a commendation by the Apostle Paul speaking of Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:30. That Greek verb for risk,…
Read MoreFrom the Desiring God blog, a reminder that the fingerprints of Jesus are everywhere in Scripture. Some places though, like those that don’t appear to be about Jesus, you just…
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