Faith Like a Child
This has always been a mysterious phrase to me. How is it that you have faith like a child? It’s interesting to me that in all the other areas of…
Read MoreThis has always been a mysterious phrase to me. How is it that you have faith like a child? It’s interesting to me that in all the other areas of…
Read MoreA very cool thing has happened this week. Joshua has graduated from reading a short, overpriced, kid’s book every night before bed to something bigger. We started reading The Chronicles…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that? Go ahead and pick one, a biblical character that we tend to treat as saintly, and without fail you can also find an example of…
Read MoreOur family this week has been really affected by a powerful message by our pastor Scott at Grace Community Church. In walking through the book of Exodus, this Sunday Scott…
Read MoreHere’s an interesting word. It’s one of those words we use frequently in our vocabulary, especially as Christ-followers. So just to be clear, here’s the Webster’s definition: BUT – Conjunction…
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