Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. How Do I Count It “All Joy”?

An appropriate theme as we are looking back over the last year. We know the command from the book of James, but how do we actually live it?

2. Christmas is for Dark Times

This has been a dark year. But we would do well to remember that Christmas and darkness go together, for those who are walking in darkness have seen a great light…

3. The Beauty and Burden of Nostalgia

It’s okay to look back. We do this a lot at Christmas, and we should. But let us never forget that we weren’t made to dwell in the dream of the past.

4. Patti LaBelle and “This Christmas”

And then there was that time when Patti LaBelle had to sing on despite the lack of cue cards. Glorious.

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