Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. You Must Disappoint Someone

It’s very convicting to consider just how much of our schedule is dictated by fear of man.

2. Facing Our Fear of Failure

And while we’re on the subject of caring too much of what others think, here’s another one. The challenge in the article is to create an environment, especially in the church, where there is freedom to fail.

3. My First Day as a Pastor

Dr. Robert Smith was my preaching professor, and he’s the greatest preacher I’ve ever heard. This is a wonderful little video of him recounting how he felt his first day as a pastor.

4. Why Winning the Lottery is Dangerous

Wow. Not only does this article detail the spiritual danger, but there’s this – that 70% of those who win a large windfall lose it within a matter of a few years.

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