Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. Dad, Why Must I Obey?

Even if our kids don’t say it, surely they’re wondering. This article summarizes the answer, from a father’s perspective, from the book of Deuteronomy (through a gospel lens.)

2. Husband, Pray for Your Wife!

This article reads like a pre-game speech for husbands, and rightly so. Pray for her, and emulate what Jesus is doing for you even now.

3. He Came Down

This is a beautiful, beautiful video.

4. John Glenn and Human Curiosity and Wonder

I know I’m a bit late here since John Glenn passed away about two weeks ago, but I think you’ll enjoy listening him talk about human curiosity and wonder.

5. It Came to Pass in Second Grade

I very much enjoyed this memory from the author.

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