Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. Should Children Sit Through Big Church?

I’m of the camp that says yes. Piper explains why he has the same stance in this interview.

2. Lay Aside the Weight of Moodiness

My favorite part of of this article – emotions are gauges, not guides. That is absolutely right.

3. The Wonder of Work

With Labor Day coming next week, here’s some good thoughts on the deeper purpose and joy of our work.

4. Podcast – Implementing Discipleship

I was a guest on this podcast recently, and we talked about discipleship trends and establishing a culture of discipleship in the church.

5. How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered the Religious Right

Trevin Wax always does a tremendous job with topics like this.

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