Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. What If Your Spiritual Gift Isn’t Changing Diapers?

This is a kind, but appropriately intrusive article that confronts our consumerism in church.

2. Protecting Our Children is More Important Than Seeking Their Approval

Our kids already have friends. What they need more is parents.

3. Returning the Mission of God to the People of God

Here’s a historic case study about how the mission of God gets pressed deeply into people’s everyday lives.

4. What Happened to Beauty?

This is worth considering. Whether we know it or not, the architecture of churches communicates something about our beliefs.

5. Darth Vader and James Earl Jones Are Back

There’s a Star Wars spinoff movie coming called Rogue One and it includes Darth Vader as voiced by James Earl Jones. And nerds everywhere rejoiced.

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