Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. What if You Only Drank Soda?

Short answer? It would be bad. Shocker.

2. Chickens, Hats, Tattoos, and Sacks

Von Miller is the Superbowl MVP. He was also a poultry science major at Texas A&M. Interesting article about an eclectic guy.

3. Ten Biblical Truths on the Obedience of Children

John Piper lays a helpful groundwork here full of truths we must be reminded of as parents.

4. Spiritual, but not Religious

You’ve probably heard this distinction. Chris Martin dissects this attitude through the lens of Russell Brand.

5. The Story Behind the Jesus Storybook Bible

It’s not a stretch to say this children’s Bible changed my life. I’m grateful for it.

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