Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. 10 Resolutions for Christian Parents.

I resonated with this post from Greg and Grace Gibson. All 10 are helpful reminders as we seek to set a pattern of godly and grace-saturated parenting.

2. Finding Forgiveness After My Abortion

We should talk about this more. There are many with a similar story.

3. You Can’t Passively Kill Sin

Very true. We are in an active battle and must work to stay in the fight, for it is long and arduous.

4. Maybe You’re Unhappy Because You’re Too Big and Bored

Great article from Trevin Wax. In a culture bent on amusement above most anything else, it’s a paradox that everything is awesome and everyone is unhappy.

5. The Star Wars TV Premiere Hosted by Mark Hamill

And just for fun, here’s a cut of when Star Wars first aired on television in 1984, hosted by Luke Skywalker himself. Apparently it was a pretty big deal.

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