A Prayer for Moving Day

For those of you who don’t know, we have been house hunting for quite a while now but now that we’ve secured a house, it’s finally come to an end. It’s been a long process with multiple different realtors, looking into local movers Winston Salem, researching different mortgages, and asking for support from the Lord but we got there in the end! So, today we want to celebrate and ask the Lord to lead us forward into this new journey.

Sovereign God –

It’s finally here. You know how many times we have asked you over the past year about this event. We have asked you for wisdom, for direction, and for confirmation, and we have moved forward believing this is the right thing. So today, our life feels like it’s in boxes, and though we are moving just across town, we are still moving. Moving house soon? Visit here for insights on how to prepare yourself for the big moving day. You’ll definitely need the help! No doubt you’ll need a plan – it can be a stressful job otherwise. For example, you’ll need a removals company to come and do all the labour for you quickly and smoothly. You can Click Here for an example of one.

On this day, as on other days of transition, Lord, I am reminded of your enduring faithfulness. I look around at these now vacant walls and feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. You have built our family in this house. You have grown our faith in this house. You have brought us closer together in this house. You have dried our tears, heard our laughter, cheered our successes, and loved us through our failures. You have been with us, and for us, through the sickness and health, through the joy and heartache.

If these walls could talk, Lord, I pray they would give testimony of a family trying to center their lives around faith in you. And now, as we leave this place, I pray for the family that will soon occupy this space. I pray they might grow as we have grown, to have an ever-increasing gaze on your greatness. I pray that we can settle in quickly and easily, without stress or anxiety, but only excitement. Whether on our own or with the help of Atlanta Home Movers for example. And I hope we can be grateful for any help we receive too.

For us, Lord, as we move forward, I pray that we might find ourselves in a place where we commit ourselves to the extension of Your grace not only to each other but to those who walk through the doors. Let our new home be a place where the stranger is made into the friend, the lonely have a place at the table, and downtrodden find the joy of hope, and a family has the security of belonging. May this home, in so much as it can, serve as a reminder of our greater home.

At the same time, Lord, I pray you would guard us from being too comfortable. Keep it at the front of our minds, Lord, that we are not long for this earth and that our true citizenship lies elsewhere. I pray that even though the regular frustrations of home ownership that you would do something redemptive, bringing to our minds the fact that our true security, inheritance, and dwelling is not in a house that needs a plumber, an electrician, or some patches in the drywall, but one that will not decay for all eternity.

May it be so for your name, for you ultimately are in whom we find our resting place.


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