32 Reasons I Love My Wife

Today is Jana’s 32nd birthday. In light of that, here are 32 reasons I love my wife.

32. Her infectious, contagious laugh.

31. L-E-G-S.

30. Her sense of adventure, though it’s occasionally hampered by mine.

29. The fact that nearly anyone feels instantly at home when they come into ours.

28. Her unashamed love of teen dramadies and dance-focused movies.

27. Joshua, Andi, and Christian.

26. She will bulldog anyone in her way when it comes to her family.

25. She is proud of, but completely unimpressed by me.

24. Her discerning spirit.

23. She finds time to exercise despite having 3 kids in tow.

22. Her appreciation of eating and spitting sunflower seeds.

21. Her loyalty to the Atlanta Braves.

20. She willing to be led, but not be walked over.

19. Her willingness to spend hours snipping coupons so we stay within budget.

18. She understands the fragility of the male ego, and therefore delivers the truth gently.

17. She continues to teach me what God’s love is like.

16. Her love of “Friday Night Lights,” and yet her hatred of “real” football games.

15. Her appreciation of nachos bought from a gas station.

14. Her fine pallet that refuses any soft drink other than Dr. Pepper.

13. For always, always, always being on my team.

12. Her concern for our daughter learning the meaning of modesty.

11. For always taking the pictures, but rarely being in them.

10. Her acceptance of an introvert as a husband, baffling though such a thing might be to her.

9. For refusing to allow the TV to be the babysitter.

8. For not going more than 3 consecutive days without speaking to her family.

7. For praying specific character traits for our children every day.

6. She hates cats.

5. She loves coffee, but isn’t a coffee snob.

4. Her tender heart toward children.

3. She laughs easily, angers slowly, and extends grace freely.

2. She knows the random names of Star Wars characters because they’re important to her son.

1. For demonstrating to those around her that circumstances of life do not dictate what you believe God. Instead, what you believe about God dictates to your circumstances their proper place.

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