4 Reasons to Read Genesis 1 Today

“In the beginning, God…”

This is how the Bible begins. But it’s not just how the Bible begins; it’s how everything begins. Those four words form the foundation of reality. Everything we perceive with our senses, everything we know, everything we feel – it all begins here.

“In the beginning, God…”

Notice the nuance here – it’s not that God had a beginning, but at the beginning of everything else there was God. He has no beginning Himself, but rather He is the beginning of everything else. So simple, but so powerful at the same time.

In fact, you could argue (rightfully) that all of our social issues, all of our consternation, all of our battles find their root in whether or not these first four words are true. Because if they are, then they imply not just initiative and power, but also authority and ownership. These four words set the stage for everything else because they establish God as the One who rules and reigns over everything, for in the beginning, He was.

This is what we believe as Christians. And yet as Christians, this is also something we need to be reminded of. Because even if you have believed for a long, long time that God is the Creator and Owner of all, it’s easy to become so enthralled in the issues of the day that you forget. There is great benefit, then, in re-reading and re-believing this simple principle today. And here are three specific benefits to doing so:

1. To re-establish your sense of order.

It’s easy to get a sense of vertigo when you look at the world today. Things are moving fast, and they continue to get faster. Politics, societal issues, wars and rumors of wars – the world is moving along at such a breakneck kind of speed that it feels out of control. But then you read Genesis 1, and you re-believe that God is actually a God of order.

As you progress through the creative activity of God, you find your equilibrium returning. You see that He created not haphazardly but intentionally, and you believe again that there is yet still order in the universe. You breathe deeply because no matter how fast things seem to be moving, God has – and is still – ordering things the way that suits Him.

2. To increase your gratitude.

“It was good.” Here is a phrase you see over and over again in the first chapter of the Bible. The formula is simple: God creates, and His creation is good. Re-reading these well worn verses increases our sense of gratitude for God and what He has done.

It’s a good and right thing for us to live as grateful people – grateful for creation. For God’s providential care. Grateful for His wisdom and power. We see all these displayed in this one chapter, and the result is that today we can look around us and not feel discontent or angry or frustrated – but grateful for all God has done.

3. To take responsibility.

At the same time, reading Genesis 1 gives us a renewed sense of responsibility. Yes, God is the Creator, but He has given the responsibility of stewardship of the creation over to human beings. Regular, normal, human beings are meant to take care of this great creation in all its facets.

There is a weight to that stewardship that we should feel; there is a sense of responsibility that gives importance and meaning to the regular, boring parts of life. And we were made to feel the joy of bearing that weight.

4. To love your neighbor.

God created everything, and yet when it comes to the creation of human beings there was something different. Human beings alone were created in the image of God. Every, single one. No matter where they come from, no matter what their gender, no matter how rich or poor or educational level or social prowess. All these human beings were created in God’s image, and because they were (and are), each one warrants respect and kindness.

Perhaps one of the ways we regain civility in our culture is not just through trying hard to be nicer; it’s through reading Genesis 1. Again. And reminding ourselves of just who it is we are dealing with. Not just people, but image-bearers of God.

Give it a try today, won’t you? Read Genesis 1 and let it sink in. Feel it, and let is frame not just your understanding of reality, but the way you walk in and through your day today.

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