3 Monday Morning Actions After Church on Sunday

Here we are, friends. It’s Monday morning, just as if was this time last week. And at the risk of broad generalizations, I would propose to you that there are basically two kinds of people on Monday morning:

There is the Monday morning person who has already thought through this morning. For this type of person, “Friday” does not just mean the end of one week; it means the planning of the next. If this is you, then you got up this morning already anticipating what the week holds. Perhaps you even already have an overly ambitious to-do list in front of you for this week because you put it together last week. That doesn’t mean you are excited about beginning another week; it only means that you are relatively prepared for this week.

And then there is the Monday morning person who is not less organized, but instead treats the first few hours of the week getting ready for what’s to come. For this person, Friday is truly about tying up loose ends and making sure you have at least a semi-colon, if not a period, on the work of the previous week. Again, this doesn’t mean you are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed right now, it just means you know you are going to devote the first part of the week to getting yourself organized and ready for what’s to come.

In either case, though, you might not be spending a lot of time thinking about yesterday. Sunday. Church day. Instead, your focus is on what’s to come. If I could, though, I would propose again that part of your Monday morning ought to be just a few minutes thinking about yesterday. None of us want to just be “Sunday Christians”; we want to be people who are centered on Jesus all the time. If that’s the case, then let me propose three actions to take every Monday morning after church on Sunday:

1. Pray one prayer.

What I don’t mean is that this is the only prayer you pray on Monday morning; hopefully there will be many. I only mean to call out that at least one of the prayers on Monday should focus on Sunday, and in particular, to focus on the pastor of your local congregation. For pastors, Monday is a hard day. It’s a day spent many times second guessing everything yesterday. Were the right words preached? Should I have used that illustration? Why didn’t the sermon land the way I thought it would? Yes, Mondays are hard, self-reflective, tired days for your pastor. So one Monday action to take, in light of Sunday, is to simply pray for the encouragement and endurance of your pastor.

2. Sing one song.

Music is powerful. More powerful, I think, than we give it credit for. Because we are such emotional beings, music is one of the gifts God has given to us to ground truth down deep not only in our minds, but in our hearts; it’s one of the means by which what we know connects firmly to what we feel. Problem is, though, we often don’t sing songs of the faith except on Sunday mornings. So another Monday action to take is to remember the songs you sang yesterday in the community of faith. Remember the lyrics and the truth there. And take a few moments, and refresh both your mind and heart by singing one of those songs again.

3. Remember one thing.

And then do one more thing this Monday – remember one particular truth that was brought out from God’s Word. One truth that stuck with you. One truth that not only challenged your thinking, but also had some relevant application for you. Remember it, write it down, and then think specifically about how that truth is going to have tangible, practical impact to the way you will live, lead, and make decisions today. On Monday. In other words, take a moment to ground the theology you heard to the real live you are living.

Three simple things. But three simple ways to bring Sunday into Monday in mind, heart, and practice.

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