Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. Work as a Religious Identity

Beware, friends. We tend to increasingly find our identity in our work. The article refers to this as “workism”, and it’s the centerpiece of life for those who believe in it.

2. What Have I Done to My Children?

This is a touching article. Written from the perspective of a missionary family, but it also expresses the broad truth that as parents, we make all kinds of decisions for our kids hoping they’re right.

3. I’m Really not Busy…

“Busy” many times just means “over-committed.” Our level of activity should not be the measure of our satisfaction or productivity.

4. How Did Popcorn Become the Staple Movie Theater Snack?

Guess what? Once upon a time it was banned from theaters. So what changed?

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