Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. The Good We Never Ask For

We never ask for suffering. And we don’t need to. But we can recognize that trials are one of the great means God uses for our good.

2. No Guarantees

Here’s one for the parents. No matter how “good” of a job we think we’re doing, raising kids is not like operating a factory in which all the parts are put together to form a perfect output.

3. We Need More Screen-Free Zones

I resonate with this article. I’m seeing more and more “zombified” looks on kids, maybe due to screens.

4. 8 Predictions of What the World Will Be Like in 20 Years

This article has some racy parts to it, but nonetheless interesting. Hopefully much of this is mere speculation.

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