Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. On Love and Concern for the Southern Baptist Convention

I’m glad to be a part of the SBC. At the same time, we have more than one kind of mess on our hands. Trevin gives a helpful article here whether you’re going to Dallas this year or not.

2. Why the Church Should Stop Making Fun of Video Gamers

Lots of good facts in this article, and it has made me reconsider a lot of misconceptions I have.

3. Why Your Small Life is Not Meaningless

This is a great blend of some basic science and theology.

4. 98-year-old Secretary Amasses Fortune and Donates $9.8M

A really cool story of a legal secretary who worked at the same firm for 67 years, watched the way the lawyers invested, learned, and then gave away her secret fortune.

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