Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. Can I Sing ‘Amazing Grace’ If I Was Saved at 6?

I’ve struggled with wanting a more “dramatic” testimony. I found this article to be greatly encouraging.

2. “I ate 2,757 meals in isolation.”

This is the statement of Pastor Hyeon Soo Lim who was recently released from a North Korean prison after 2 and a half years.

3. Loving Your Hard-to-Love-Kid

Because we’ve all been there. Amiright?

4. Please Stop Saying, “Christianity isn’t a religion; it’s a relationship.”

Worth considering.

5. “Skunk in the Outfield”

What a story. It’s about the trick play that almost worked, and broke baseball when it happened.

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