Wednesday Links

Here are a few links to some things you might have missed, or at least ones that caught my attention this past week:

1. Broken Shadows

Fathers are shadows of what it means to call God father. Broken shadows, yes, but still we must embrace the responsibility of pointing our children to their true Dad.

2. Jesus Had to Grow Up, Too

I’ve often wondered about the adolescence of Jesus. This article summarizes what we know, but also reminds us that Jesus understands what it means to grow up.

3. 4 Practical Threats to the Church Today

These are real threats, and ones that we ought to pay attention to starting in our own lives.

4. What If Unbelievers Aren’t Miserable?

How do you share the gospel if the person isn’t at the end of their rope, but instead don’t really sense they need it at all?

5. Where Do Calories Come From?

Pretty interesting article here again reminding me that I’m probably eating the wrong stuff.

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