One Simple Question to Ask Yourself on the Way to Work

We work. Whether you’re a student, and employee, or a stay-at-home mom or dad, we work. Every day. And that’s not a bad thing.

Part of our spiritual DNA is about work – it’s how God has wired us up. From the very beginning, work has been a big part of what it means to be human. After all, as soon as Adam got blown into existence in the garden God gave him a job (it was, in fact, a gardener). But many, if not most of us, see work as a necessary means to an end.

We work to get to the weekend.

We work to get a paycheck.

We work so we can have money to be entertained.

For the Christian, there is a greater truth to be embraced about the nature of our work. And one the places in Scripture we find this truth expressed is in Colossians 3:23-24:

Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.

That is a paradigm shifting verse of Scripture. We work as we are doing something for the Lord and not for men, and therefore we can do whatever we do during the day with enthusiasm. But how do we actualize this into our daily reality?

One simple way is through one simple question we can ask ourselves on the way to work each morning.

Now most of us ask all kinds of questions on that drive into the office or in the waning moments before the kids wake up:

  • How is the meeting going to go?
  • How am I going to get everything done?
  • How long is my day going to be before I can come home?
  • Can I take the pressure of this role one more day?

And on and on. But what if we replaced all those questions with just one:

Who is my boss?

Four words, big perspective change. With those four words, you can remind yourself of what you’re really doing. You’re not doing marketing, pushing papers, crunching numbers, fixing lunches, plumbing toilets at the orders of an earthly boss; instead, the Lord is your true boss. You work for Him.

And when your perspective changes on that issue, slowly but surely the perspective on even the most menial of tasks changes, too. Those everyday tasks are reframed as a kind of divine assignment whereby God is providing for the world and society in a myriad of ways… including you.

Give it a try. Ask yourself the question. And then work as unto the Lord.

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