A Reasonable Argument for the Existence of God


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1 Comment

  • Marta Gondos says:

    For me, you (and St Thomas) have proved the existence of God logically. And there may be other logical, scientific proofs. They tell us nothing about the nature of God or God’s relationship to us as his/her/its creatures. God’s mere existence tells us nothing about that – and incidentally. nothing about morality, what is right and good. On the whole, “morality” is imposed on individuals by society. It takes great maturity to realize that a higher morality exists and to implement it. People generally care a great deal more about what other people think than about what God thinks of them.
    It is my experience that God’s relationship to mankind is a matter of personal experience which cannot be “proved” to others – logically or otherwise. Others may get a glimpse of it from my behaviour: as it is written, “By their fruits, you shall know them”.
    A great deal more could be said on this point, but the above will do for a start.

    Marta Gondos

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