A Prayer for Tax Day

Lord Jesus –

With that very title, I am reminded that you are indeed “Lord.” You sit at the right hand of the Father, and everything that I see is yours. Everything in the universe you have laid claim to. You fling the lightning bolts and stir the seas, and you own cattle on a thousand hills. These are things that I know… and yet I do not know.

I know that I don’t know these things because of days like today. These are days that remind me of my claim of ownership. These are days of white knuckles and resentment. These are days when my grip tightens and the resounding cry of my heart is “mine.”

For me, days like today are about money, but I ask you in Your grace to help me see that today is also about my heart. This is an opportunity for me, today, right now, to be financially sanctified. I know, Lord, that not every dollar I am taxed will go to worthy causes. I know, Lord, that not all in my government acknowledge Your Lordship and are praying this morning over the mighty responsibility You have given them. But I also know that, in Your sovereignty, You set up kings and depose them. And because You do, there is a way today that I might give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to You what is Yours. I know today is about my heart.

Forgive me, Lord, for the times in years past when I have zealously sought after financial loopholes not so that I could give more away to those in need but so I could pad my bank account. Forgive me for hiding behind claims of generosity when I know at the root is selfishness. And thank You for an opportunity this day to be reminded that You provide daily bread along with life, breath, and everything else.

Again, Lord, I ask you today to remind me that I own nothing but have been entrusted with much. Help me, Lord, to have the heart of a faithful steward rather than of a greedy miser, and thank you for Your grace when my grip will tighten once again.


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