Do You Know the Difference Between a Fish and a Snake?

Of course you do. Right?

I’m not so sure about myself. They both have scales, after all. Truth is, I think I actually ask for a snake lots of times, though I think I’m asking for a fish.

Jesus, in commenting on the caring and giving nature of God the Father asked us to consider, “Who of you, if your son asks you for a fish, would give him a snake? How much more, then does your Father in heaven know how to give good gifts to those who ask?” (Luke 11:11).

If this is true about God, then surely the opposite is also true: “Who among you, if your son asked you for a snake, would actually give it to him?”

Not me. I’d tell my sons that a snake would hurt them. That it’s dangerous. And that I know they think it’s cool, but it’s better to have a fish instead. Even though they don’t think a fish is what they want.

Perhaps this is why I think God answers me with a “No” sometimes. It’s because though I think I’m asking for a fish, I’m really asking Him for a snake.

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