Saved From What?

What do we need to be saved from? We need to be saved from God—not from kidney stones, not from hurricanes, not from military defeats. What every human being needs to be saved from is God. The last thing in the world the impenitent sinner ever wants to meet on the other side of the grave is God. But the glory of the gospel is that the One from whom we need to be saved is the very One who saves us. God in saving us saves us from Himself.

– R.C. Sproul, Saved from What?, p. 25, 26

That’s right on.

(HT: Z)

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  • Brandon says:

    Good word. I think that when I realized this, it was such a sobering and horrifying thought – much more than thinking Hell was just a place where the devil was. His wrath: what a terrifying thing to be under.

  • Eddy says:

    Great point.

    Side note, what does “HT” stand for?

  • MK says:

    Eddy – Now that is a great question. I don’t actually know; my guess is that it means “hit”, as in I hit on this other blog, but it’s used as a designation for where the content was found originally, so you can give appropriate props to the source and a reader might click over to see the content in full.

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