The Bible is Its Own Evangelist

I found this to be a helpful reminder, especially since I am tempted often to feel the pressure to “flash up” certain biblical passages, always looking for the new hook or clever misunderstood Greek translation. That’s not to say we shouldn’t try and paint the most vivid picture possible of Scripture, but just a reminder that the Bible does a pretty good job of doing so without my help:

From Max McLean’s Unleashing the Word:

The Bible is its own evangelist. I came to faith because I was deeply affected by the words of the Bible. The famous British preacher Charles Spurgeon was once asked how he responded to criticisms of the Bible. “Very easy,” he responded. “I defend the Bible the same way I defend a lion. I simply let it out of its cage.” That quote captures our vision for this book and for the growth of ministries that are committed to the passionate, articulate, and powerful reading of Scripture. Isn’t it time to let the Bible out of the cage, or (to borrow from the title of this book) to unleash God’s Word?

When I tell a Bible story, I have a quiet confidence that God is going to do a mighty work by the very act of reading his Word. Therefore, my objective is to engage hearers and draw them into the Word of God. My role is to use my skills and abilities, as best I can, to draw them into an experience with the Word.

(HT: Challies)

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  • Becky Dietz says:

    So refreshing. I think we have a host of pastor/teachers/churches who’ve forgotten that God’s Word is powerful. They try to sell it, market it, and giftwrap it instead of unleashing it. Good word.

  • susanmaas says:

    I even find that as a Sunday school teacher of 5th and 6th graders. While they may goof off and talk during other parts of the lesson, they almost always are quiet and attentive while reading the Bible. It does have power.

  • Aaron Shaver says:

    Great quote, Michael.
    I think you’ve pointed out a very very important thing for all speakers, preachers, and teachers to remember. We don’t need to “dress up” the Word in an attempt to sell it to an audience.
    The Word is already holy and we cannot add anything to it to improve it.
    The Word is already life changing and we cannot add anything to it to improve it.
    The Word is already complete and we cannot add anything that will bring completion to God’s Word.

    We interpret, translate, convey, and communicate. We don’t/can’t add to it.

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