A Trip to the ER

We had a deja vu moment last night, and not the kind that involves Denzel Washington.

About midnight, Joshua woke up wheezing, coughing, and burning up. In leukemia world, the threshhold of fever is 100.5. If the fever goes beyond that, you have to head to the emergency room. Joshua’s was up around 102 so off we went.

The docs decided not to admit him to the hospital, so thankfully everyone is back home as I’m writing this. It was sort of jolting, since he’s been so healthy for quite a while, but also a reminder that Joshua is still undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia.

I remember the first year after Joshua was diagnosed when we were going to the ER at least twice a month. We had the routine down. But now we’re a little out of practice. Deja vu.

But we are hoping, as he goes back to the clinic this morning for another check, that everything’s on the up and up, especially since this is birthday week for the J-man.

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  • Becky Dietz says:

    I’m praying for a boring week leading up to the big party!

  • Alicia Collier says:

    I’ll be praying that Josh has a restful and healthy week. Thanks for your messages in Colorado, God knew they were just what I needed to hear. God bless you all! Tell Josh we’re wishing him a happy, healthy birthday here in Texas!

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