Weekends Are For Kids

An interesting week from both kids. First of all the interesting Andi. She’s talking and learning lots of new words almost everyday. With stuff like that, it seems when it rains, it pours. Once you open the gate, lots of words, sounds, and everything else start coming out. So Andi learned 2 new words this week on the same day.

The new words? “No,” and “mine.”

And now the interesting Joshua. If you have read our family’s blog, you know that It’s been over 7 months since Joshua had to make a trip to the emergency room. If you’re new to the leukemia world, there is a threshold of fever that once you pass it, you have to go to the hospital. The reason behind it is that since the patient is taking chemo, his immune system is already compromised. So the hospital is a safer place for him if he gets sick.

This morning the streak ended. Fever went up around 5 am, and Joshua and Jana headed to the hospital. He’s checked in there, hopefully not for too long. We’ll see.

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